DVDs/Religions DVDs/The New Age Movement (DVD)

The New Age Movement (DVD)

Learn about the dangers of the New Age Movement from these two fascinating and informative interviews of Warren Smith, a former New Age advocate who now heads up a ministry located in California.


This video album contains two fascinating and informative interviews of Warren Smith, a former New Age advocate who now heads up a ministry located in California.

Warren was deep into the Movement and was even serving as a teacher of its principles when a person confronted him with a verse from the Bible that motivated him to start studying God’s Word. As a result of that study and his use of the name of Jesus to combat a demonic influence that was tormenting his wife, he came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Today, Warren spends full time writing and speaking about the dangers of the New Age Movement.

In the interviews contained in this album, he responds to the following questions:

  1. What is the New Age Movement?

  2. What are some of its most distinguishing characteristics?

  3. In what ways has the Movement impacted the church today?

  4. How can a Christian guard against deception by the Movement?

Format: DVD.
Time: 74 minutes.
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