DVDs/Jesus Came. What’s Next? (DVD)

Jesus Came. What’s Next? (DVD)

Do you have loved ones you know will be left behind after the Rapture? Use this video as your own “left behind” message to explain to your loved ones why the disappearances happened.

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“Did many people disappear?” That question will be the only one a stunned world will desperately be seeking an answer to right after Jesus comes and gathers up believers in Christ at the Rapture.

Do you have loved ones you know will be left behind after the Rapture? Use this video as your own “left behind” message to explain to your loved ones why the disappearances happened, what the world will have to endure during the terrible years of the Tribulation, and about Jesus’ return in victory at the Second Coming. This video’s message brings to those left behind the great hope of Christ’s salvation.

This DVD also includes a detailed article about what to expect living during the Tribulation in both pdf and mp3 format, as well as a Spanish version in pdf format.

Format: DVD.
Time: 15 minutes.
Shipping: FREE!
Digital Download: View FREE from Rumble.

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