DVDs/Conference DVDs/Everlasting to Everlasting Conference (2-Disc DVD Set)

Everlasting to Everlasting Conference (2-Disc DVD Set)

Can the books of Genesis and Revelation be taken as authority, or do they only convey legends? Join Tim Moore and Dr. Randy Guliuzza in this 4-part conference that tackles this big Apologetics question!

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Can the books of Genesis and Revelation be taken as authority, or do they only convey legends? Join Tim Moore of Lamb & Lion Ministries and Dr. Randy Guliuzza of the Institute of Creation Research in this 4-part Everlasting to Everlasting Conference that tackles the big Apologetics questions surrounding these two maligned books!

Format: 2 DVDs. No case included.
Time: 4 hour-long presentations + 1 Q&A session.

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